Tafseer e Ayashi in Urdu Vol 1تَفسیر العَیّاشی


Book Description

Tafseer e Ayashi in Urdu Vol 1

Tafseer e Ayashi in Urdu  is an Imami Shia exegesis of the Quran, written by Mohammad ibn Masoud Ayyashi also known as al-ʿAyyashi (الـعـيـّاشـي d. 320 AH / 932 CE). The surviving text covers only up to the end of sura 18, 'The Cave'; more material is quoted by later Imami scholars,for instance Tabrisi. As of the 18th century, al-Majlisi and Al-Hurr al-Aamili were not aware of the complete text of Ayyashi's work.
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tafsir_Ayyashi
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